Lecture Notes: General Surgery

Harold Ellis, Sir Roy Calne, Christopher Watson

Self-assessment Questions

40 The adrenal glands

  • 1. Where are the suprarenal glands situated?

    Correct answer:

    Above and medial to the upper pole of each kidney.

  • 2. From what does the adrenal cortex develop?

    Correct answer:

    The mesoderm of the urogenital ridge.

  • 3. From what does the adrenal medulla develop?

    Correct answer:

    Neural crest ectoderm.

  • 4. What substances are produced by the suprarenal cortex?

    Correct answer:

    (1) Mineralocorticoids.
    (2) Androgenic corticoids.
    (3) Glucocorticoids.

  • 5. What is the function of glucocorticoids?

    Correct answer:

    These regulate carbohydrate metabolism, protein breakdown and fat mobilization.

  • 6. What is the function of androgenic corticoids produced by the suprarenal cortex?

    Correct answer:

    They are virilizing.

  • 7. What is the function of mineralocorticoids produced by the suprarenal cortex?

    Correct answer:

    These regulate mineral and water metabolism. Aldosterone acts to retain sodium and water and to excrete potassium.

  • 8. What functions does aldosterone have?

    Correct answer:

    This acts to retain sodium and water and to excrete potassium.

  • 9. What does aldosterone do to serum potassium levels?

    Correct answer:

    Aldosterone acts to excrete potassium.

  • 10. What controls the glucocorticoids and androgens produced by the suprarenal glands?

    Correct answer:

    These are under hypothalamic control via adrenocorticotrophic hormone.

  • 11. Where is adrenocorticotrophic hormone produced?

    Correct answer:

    This is produced by the anterior pituitary gland.

  • 12. What controls the secretion of mineralocorticoids from the suprarenal cortex?

    Correct answer:

    Renin–angiotensin system.

  • 13. What effects does hydrocortisone have if given in large amounts? Why?

    Correct answer:

    As the steroids share a similar biochemical structure, it is not surprising that there is some overlap in actions; thus, hydrocortisone (cortisol), a glucocorticoid, also affects salt and water metabolism and has sex steroid effects (acne, hisutism) if given in large amounts.

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